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Public Service Minor

All new! The Graham Center’s Public Service Minor provides students with a foundational understanding of how governments and organizations operate and serve the public.

Coursework focuses on public administration, public policy, management, communication, and leadership, preparing undergraduates for careers in the private and public sectors and with nonprofit organizations.

Attend Our October 1, 2024 Info Session

Discover how the new Public Service Minor can shape your future in civic leadership. Join our in-person info session on Tuesday, October 1 at 4:30 pm in Pugh Hall (2nd floor). You’ll learn how the minor can help you meet your academic goals, as well as the nuts and bolts of adding the minor to your schedule. Graham Center faculty and students working on the minor will be on hand to answer questions. Refreshments served!

Sign up for the Info Session

Prerequisites Offered in Fall ’24

Read more about the Minor Requirements

A Complement to Any Major

The Public Service minor is designed to complement any major or pre-professional track, and will appeal to students who aspire to serve the public good, make a meaningful impact on society, and develop into community leaders.

Courses draw on the expertise of faculty and staff in the Bob Graham Center, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and other colleges across campus.

The minor is intended to complement a variety of majors, including the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, journalism and business.