University of Florida Homepage

The Bob Graham Center for Public Service provides a wide variety of programs for students and the larger public on topics related to public service, public leadership and civic engagement.

University of Florida professor Gwendolyn Simmons discussed the South’s civil rights movement

The 50th anniversary of the sit-ins that energized the civil rights movement in the South was discussed on December 8, 2009. Panelists for “The 50th Anniversary of the Sit-Ins: From Greensboro to Tallahassee” included history professors Bill Link and Alan Petigny and religion professor Gwendolyn Simmons, discussing the significance of the sit-in movement and its impact

Economist David Denslow and guests discussed the future of Florida’s economy with the Florida Legislature

Leading economic experts hosted an in-depth discussion on the reasons behind the state’s economic woes for members of the Florida Senate and House of Representatives on January 14, 2010.The James Madison Institute and the University of Florida’s Bob Graham Center for Public Service and Reubin O’D. Askew Institute on Politics and Society hosted the forum,

Editor Greg Ip and guests discussed the future of Florida’s economy with the Florida Legislature

Leading economic experts hosted an in-depth discussion on the reasons behind the state’s economic woes for members of the Florida Senate and House of Representatives on January 14, 2010. The James Madison Institute and the University of Florida’s Bob Graham Center for Public Service and Reubin O’D. Askew Institute on Politics and Society hosted the forum, entitled

Bob Rhodes discussed growth management policies

During a February 10, 2010 forum Bob Rhodes, a leading expert on growth management, described a controversial growth regulation amendment on the 2010 ballot as the "elephant in the growth management policy room." This could radically change the way Florida regulates growth and development. Amendment 4 would require that all local government Comprehensive Plans and plan

Dr. Gary Mormino discussed Florida in World War II

Dr. Gary Mormino, one of Florida’s leading historians, discussed the lasting impact of World War II on Florida, including the explosive military growth from 1940-1945, the transformation of the home front, and the increased population, economy and tourism after the war. His discussion touched upon both "the explosive military growth in Florida between 1940 and 1945—Florida

Derek Bok discussed citizenship in a digital forum

As a public land grant university, UF has a special obligation to encourage students not only to participate in civic activities, but also to equip them with the skills needed to make the thoughtful and informed choices that citizenship requires. Derek Bok suggests some concrete ways in which universities can better prepare students to be

Lucy Morgan, Rod Smith and John Delaney discussed bipartisanship in Florida

Prize-winning journalist Lucy Morgan, with Rod Smith, former Democratic state senator from Gainesville, and John Delaney, former Republican mayor of Jacksonville, discussed the state of politics on February 24, 2010. Bipartisanship Part 1: 27 min  Bipartisanship Part 2: 25 min  Bipartisanship Part 3: 19 min

Carl Hiaasen talks about Florida’s economy, politics and future

Prize-winning journalist and author Carl Hiaasen spoke to a standing-room only audience on March 2, 2010. During his talk "Carl on Florida," Hiaasen related personal anecdotes, discussed the development of some of his most notable characters and answered questions from the audience. To view Carl Hiaasen's entire presentation, click on these links: Part 2: 28

US Navy Seal Eric Greitens on his organization, The Mission Continues

A former U.S. Navy SEAL officer, Eric Greitens presented an inspirational program to a packed auditorium on March 24, 2010. He discussed the objectives of his group The Mission Continues and gave examples of how it has transformed the lives of wounded and disabled veterans. These veterans are continuing their mission by serving their country and communities as