University of Florida Homepage (opens in new tab)


Coexisting at the Edges, Meet the New Exurban

This article was prepared by Randall Reid, Southeast Regional Director, International City/County Management Association and practitioner in-residence, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Evangeline Linkous, UF extension agent. The article discusses how politics, economics, and land use are changing at the urban/rural interface. March 2018.

Subsidized Housing Enforcement Policy: What Next?

This paper was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Mary Galligan, Retired Analyst, Kansas Legislative Research Department. This paper analyzes the support of and resistance to efforts to end housing segregation preceding and following the Supreme Court 2015 decision on disparate impact (Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc.) and the enactment, also in 2015, of the final rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. It gives examples to show that federal support for civil rights enforcement in housing seems to be weakening. October 17, 2017

Partisan Views on Voter Registration as Reflected by the Media: Any Path Forward?

The article was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Mary Galligan, Retired Analyst, Kansas Legislative Research Department. The article examines partisan views on voter registration in the United States, as reflected by the media, and discusses strategies to improve voter registration processes. June 25, 2017

The Case for an Integrated Approach to Early Childhood Development

This article was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The article examines, with a focus on Florida, why an integrative approach to early childhood development matters, what we have learned from the research on early childhood development, which early childhood development programs are available in Florida, and what barriers still exist to realizing a more integrated system of care. March 20, 2017

Health Insurance Coverage in Florida and the Nation

The report was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Mary Galligan, Retired Analyst, Kansas Legislative Research Department. The November 8 election has identified voters’ choice of president and thereby the options on the table for making health care available to US citizens. Nowhere are the challenges more evident than in Florida with a large proportion of people who do not have access to employer-based health insurance, the default coverage type for most Americans. Other types of insurance available to significant populations of Americans include: private individual health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), health care exchanges under the ACA, also frequently referred to as “Obamacare,” and VA health care benefits. This paper reviews, with references to polling and survey findings, the challenges facing decision-makers as they contemplate changes to the major public means of providing health care insurance coverage and services in Florida and the nation. Nov. 25, 2016

Note to Presidential Nominees: What Florida Voters Care About

The article was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. It analyzes responses to six questions that were added in April and September 2016 at the Graham Center’s request to the consumer sentiment surveys conducted by the UF Survey Research Center. Oct. 25, 2016

Analysis of Absentee (vote-by-mail) Ballots Cast in Florida (opens in new tab)

This report was prepared by Dr. Daniel Smith, University of Florida Research Foundation (2010-2012) Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida and Affiliate Faculty at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The expert report examines Florida’s treatment of vote-by-mail ballots, including rejection rates by county and party. October 20, 2016.

Florida’s Asian-American Voter: Will they make a difference in 2016?

This article was prepared by Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The article exams the impact of Asian-American voters in Florida with regard to the 2016 presidential election. October 4, 2016.

A Push for Civic Education

This article was prepared by Randall Reid, Southeast regional director, International City/County Management Association and practitioner in-residence, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Emma Humphries, Ph.D., the chief engagement officer for Massachusetts-based iCivics. The article discusses different practices that can be put into place to increase civic awareness. June 2016.

The Elusive Chase of the Unaffiliated Voter – All Eyes on Florida

This article was prepared by Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The article exams the rise of registering as non-affiliated or independent in the state of Florida, and pays particular attention to Hispanic and Latino voters. March 7, 2016.

The Value of a National Comparative Performance Database (opens in new tab)

This article was prepared by Randall Reid, Southeast regional director, International City Management Association and practitioner in-residence, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. This article has been published on the Government Finance Association website, Feb. 2016.

We’ll always have Paris

This article was prepared by Ronald L. Goldfarb and Jon L. Mills, former Speaker of the Florida House, Dean Emeritus and professor of Law at the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law, affiliate faculty, Bob Graham Center. This article was previously published in The Hill, Dec.18, 2015. Posted Dec. 22, 2015.

The Consequences of Aquifer Pumping

This article was prepared by Preston Haskell, Founder, The Haskell Company, Knight Fellow for the Bob Graham Center fall 2013. Previously published in the Jacksonville Times Union, “Preston Haskell calls for fees on aquifer withdrawals,” March 2015. Posted Oct. 28, 2015.


This article was prepared by Randall Reid, Southeast regional director, International City Management Association and practitioner in-residence, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Previously published in ICMA Public Management Magazine Sept. 2015. Posted Oct. 27, 2015.

The Americans with Disabilities Act’s 25th Anniversary:Implications for Florida on the Employment Front

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, policy analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Oct. 20, 2015.

Political Implications of the Clean Power Plan for the 2016 Presidential Election

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, policy analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Sept. 10, 2015.

Perspective: Who belongs on the pedestal?

This essay was prepared by Gary R. Mormino, special to the Tampa Bay Times, Posted July 3, 2015.

The Rise of the Hispanic Voters in Florida and the 2016 Election

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt and David Colburn, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted April 25, 2015.

Senior Citizens – Their Place in Florida’s Past, Present, and Future

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt and David Colburn, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Feb. 17, 2015.

Mitigating Saltwater Intrusion Through Everglades Restoration: A Policy Proposal

This report was prepared by Rachel Reiss, Bob Graham Center Civic Scholar, Spring 2014. Posted Feb. 10, 2015.

Florida Voters’ Attitudes toward Immigration Reform

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt and David Colburn, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Dec. 24, 2014.

Revisiting Florida Voters’ Attitudes towards Medicaid Expansion and the Federal Affordable Care Act

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst with the Bob Graham Center. Posted Sept. 29, 2014

Florida Voters’ Attitudes toward Expanding the Medicaid Program in the State

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst with the Bob Graham Center and Dr. Dave Denslow, BEBR economic analyst and professor emeritus of economics at UF. Posted April 2, 2014

Medicaid Expansion

This report was prepared by Dave Denslow, BEBR economic analyst and professor emeritus of economics, University of Florida.

Florida Voters’ Attitudes Toward Allowing Undocumented Students to Receive In State Tuition at Florida’s Public Colleges and Universities

This report was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst, affiliated with the Bob Graham Center for Public Service

Changes in Florida Election Laws Since 2001

This report was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Reubin O’D. Askew Institute on Politics and Society

Solutions to the Florida 2012 Voting Problem

This report was prepared by Zack Smith, J.D. Candidate, Spring 2013, and Samantha Sanfilippo, J.D. Candidate, Spring 2014, under the supervision of Jon Mills, Dean Emeritus, Professor of Law, Director, Center for Governmental Responsibility; JoAnn Klein, Associate Director, Center for Governmental Responsibility; and Cliff Jones, Associate in Law Research, Center for Governmental Responsibility, University of Florida Levin College of Law.

Partisan Views on Voter Registration as Reflected by the Media: Any Path Forward?

The article was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Mary Galligan, Retired Analyst, Kansas Legislative Research Department. The article examines partisan views on voter registration in the United States, as reflected by the media, and discusses strategies to improve voter registration processes. June 25, 2017

The Case for an Integrated Approach to Early Childhood Development

This article was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The article examines, with a focus on Florida, why an integrative approach to early childhood development matters, what we have learned from the research on early childhood development, which early childhood development programs are available in Florida, and what barriers still exist to realizing a more integrated system of care. March 20, 2017

Health Insurance Coverage in Florida and the Nation

The report was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Mary Galligan, Retired Analyst, Kansas Legislative Research Department. The November 8 election has identified voters’ choice of president and thereby the options on the table for making health care available to US citizens. Nowhere are the challenges more evident than in Florida with a large proportion of people who do not have access to employer-based health insurance, the default coverage type for most Americans. Other types of insurance available to significant populations of Americans include: private individual health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), health care exchanges under the ACA, also frequently referred to as “Obamacare,” and VA health care benefits. This paper reviews, with references to polling and survey findings, the challenges facing decision-makers as they contemplate changes to the major public means of providing health care insurance coverage and services in Florida and the nation. Nov. 25, 2016

Note to Presidential Nominees: What Florida Voters Care About

The article was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. It analyzes responses to six questions that were added in April and September 2016 at the Graham Center’s request to the consumer sentiment surveys conducted by the UF Survey Research Center. Oct. 25, 2016

Analysis of Absentee (vote-by-mail) Ballots Cast in Florida (opens in new tab)

This report was prepared by Dr. Daniel Smith, University of Florida Research Foundation (2010-2012) Professor of Political Science at the University of Florida and Affiliate Faculty at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The expert report examines Florida’s treatment of vote-by-mail ballots, including rejection rates by county and party. October 20, 2016.

Florida’s Asian-American Voter: Will they make a difference in 2016?

This article was prepared by Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The article exams the impact of Asian-American voters in Florida with regard to the 2016 presidential election. October 4, 2016.

A Push for Civic Education

This article was prepared by Randall Reid, Southeast regional director, International City/County Management Association and practitioner in-residence, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, and Emma Humphries, Ph.D., the chief engagement officer for Massachusetts-based iCivics. The article discusses different practices that can be put into place to increase civic awareness. June 2016.

The Elusive Chase of the Unaffilliated Voter – All Eyes on Florida

This article was prepared by Lynne Holt, Senior Policy Analyst at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. The article exams the rise of registering as non-affiliated or independent in the state of Florida, and pays particular attention to Hispanic and Latino voters. March 7, 2016.

The Value of a National Comparative Performance Database (opens in new tab)

This article was prepared by Randall Reid, Southeast regional director, International City Management Association and practitioner in-residence, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. This article has been published on the Government Finance Association website, Feb. 2016.

We’ll always have Paris

This article was prepared by Ronald L. Goldfarb and Jon L. Mills, former Speaker of the Florida House, Dean Emeritus and professor of Law at the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law, affiliate faculty, Bob Graham Center. This article was previously published in The Hill, Dec.18, 2015. Posted Dec. 22, 2015.

The Consequences of Aquifer Pumping

This article was prepared by Preston Haskell, Founder, The Haskell Company, Knight Fellow for the Bob Graham Center fall 2013. Previously published in the Jacksonville Times Union,

“Preston Haskell calls for fees on aquifer withdrawals

,” March 2015. Posted Oct. 28, 2015.


This article was prepared by Randall Reid, Southeast regional director, International City Management Association and practitioner in-residence, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Previously published in ICMA Public Management Magazine Sept. 2015. Posted Oct. 27, 2015.

The Americans with Disabilities Act’s 25th Anniversary:Implications for Florida on the Employment Front

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, policy analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Oct. 20, 2015.

Political Implications of the Clean Power Plan for the 2016 Presidential Election

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, policy analyst, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Sept. 10, 2015.

Perspective: Who belongs on the pedestal?

This essay was prepared by Gary R. Mormino, special to the Tampa Bay Times, Posted July 3, 2015.

The Rise of the Hispanic Voters in Florida and the 2016 Election

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt and David Colburn, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted April 25, 2015.

Senior Citizens – Their Place in Florida’s Past, Present, and Future

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt and David Colburn, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Feb. 17, 2015.

Mitigating Saltwater Intrusion Through Everglades Restoration: A Policy Proposal

This report was prepared by Rachel Reiss, Bob Graham Center Civic Scholar, Spring 2014. Posted Feb. 10, 2015.

Florida Voters’ Attitudes toward Immigration Reform

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt and David Colburn, Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Posted Dec. 24, 2014.

Revisiting Florida Voters’ Attitudes towards Medicaid Expansion and the Federal Affordable Care Act

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst with the Bob Graham Center. Posted Sept. 29, 2014

Florida Voters’ Attitudes toward Expanding the Medicaid Program in the State

This report was prepared by Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst with the Bob Graham Center and Dr. Dave Denslow, BEBR economic analyst and professor emeritus of economics at UF. Posted April 2, 2014

Medicaid Expansion

This report was prepared by Dave Denslow, BEBR economic analyst and professor emeritus of economics, University of Florida.

Florida Voters’ Attitudes Toward Allowing Undocumented Students to Receive In State Tuition at Florida’s Public Colleges and Universities

This report was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Policy Analyst, affiliated with the Bob Graham Center for Public Service

Changes in Florida Election Laws Since 2001

This report was prepared by Dr. Lynne Holt, Reubin O’D. Askew Institute on Politics and Society

Solutions to the Florida 2012 Voting Problem

This report was prepared by Zack Smith, J.D. Candidate, Spring 2013, and Samantha Sanfilippo, J.D. Candidate, Spring 2014, under the supervision of Jon Mills, Dean Emeritus, Professor of Law, Director, Center for Governmental Responsibility; JoAnn Klein, Associate Director, Center for Governmental Responsibility; and Cliff Jones, Associate in Law Research, Center for Governmental Responsibility, University of Florida Levin College of Law.