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Thanks so much for the Senator Bob Graham Services yesterday

Submitted by Christine Brooks

What a wonderful man!  One whom I had the pleasure of knowing during my tenure in Florida and in Tallahassee at Florida A & M University , Florida State University as a Florida state government worker with statewide responsibilities; as a volunteer at the Mansion; accompanying at football games ;  working with and for him at the Senate during the impeachment of Bill Clinton and accompanying him to the Floor; having him visit at my home in Tallahassee; meeting and greeting friends and neighbors; eating foods prepared by some of the locals who came to know him and adore him as much as I did for his worldly leadership  and commonsense.

The Honorable Bob Graham last gift to me at which I am looking now is his book entitled "Keys to the Kingdom :  A Novel of Suspense". He autographs the book as follows:  "Chris, Thank you for your great assistance in Tallahassee and in  Washington" "Bob Graham, August 1,2011."

I look forward to reading this book and then sharing it with others.