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Student Programs and Groups

These are the University of Florida student organizations supported by the Bob Graham Center for Public Service.

Bob Graham Center Student Fellows

The Bob Graham Center Student Fellow serve as the official ambassadors of the Graham Center and work closely with the faculty and staff to fulfill the Center’s mission of training the next generation of public service leaders. Their work ranges from planning major events and organizing voter outreach initiatives, to presenting about the Graham Center both on and off campus. Find the fellows on Instagram at @bgcstudentfellows.

Freshman Leadership Council

Applications are now open for the 2024-25 Council! The Freshman Leadership Council provides personal, professional, and leadership growth opportunities for a select group of freshmen students through service, programming, and educational experiences that impact the UF student body and surrounding community. To learn about info sessions and application details, follow FLC on Instagram at @flcatuf.

Future of Florida Summit (opens in new tab)

The Summit is an annual, statewide conference led by students to focus on issues of critical importance to the state of Florida. The Summit attracts 70 politically engaged students each spring from across all of Florida’s institutions of higher education to interact with expert panelists and delve deeply into a different public policy topic. FOF is on Facebook and Instagram at @futureoffloridasummit.

Florida Political Review (opens in new tab)

The Florida Political Review is Florida’s preeminent student journal for politics and public policy. Managed entirely by Florida university students, the FPR operates in partnership with the Center to bring quality analysis and commentary on current-affairs and political issues facing Florida. FPR is looking for writers. Share your insights on local, national, and global issues, enhance your writing skills, build your portfolio, and make an impact on campus. Connect with experts and contribute to meaningful conversations. Interested? Email our Editor-in-Chief Fabiana Montenegro.  Follow FPR on Facebook and Instagram at @floridapoliticalreview.

Public Leadership Society

The Public Leadership Society is a University of Florida student organization whose purpose is to help the professional advancement of those committed to learning the principles of effective public leadership and to foster civic involvement through public and community service. Find PLS on Instagram at @ufpls.

Undergraduate Mock Trial LitiGators

The UF Undergraduate Mock Trial Team, known as “The LitiGators,” compete under the American Mock Trial Association against other universities from across the United States. Since establishment in 2007, the LitiGators have become a nationally recognized name in the mock trial community and rank among the top 25 teams in the nation. Follow the team on Facebook or on Instagram at @uflitigators.