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The Bob Graham Center for Public Service provides a wide variety of programs for students and the larger public on topics related to public service, public leadership and civic engagement.

Senator Bill Frist discussed the future of health care

Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist spoke on April 5, 2010 at the University of Florida’s 21st Century News Laboratory. He discussed health care reform, praising efforts to insure more Americans and to set up demonstration projects and criticizing the lack of incentives based on outcomes and the cost of the program.He also discussed Haiti

Words Matter! Gender Bias in the Media

The Florida Commission on the Status of Women hosted a Gender Bias in the Media Roundtable discussion at the Ocora Room at Pugh Hall, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Representatives from women's groups, academia, and media, shared with participants their perspectives and experiences in dealing with gender bias or

Former Governor Buddy MacKay: “How Florida Happened”

A Samuel Proctor Oral History Program event Former Florida Gov. Buddy MacKay discussed his life in politics and the political, economic and environmental outlook for the Sunshine State during a visit Sept. 23 to the University of Florida’s Bob Graham Center for Public Service. A former state lawmaker, U.S. representative, governor and diplomat, Kenneth Hood “Buddy” MacKay

Generation Next: Citizenship and the Millennials

Molly Andolina, a professor of political science at DePaul University who is one of the leading experts on the civic instincts of Generation Y, young people ages 18 to 29, spoke at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service on September 28th. Andolina has worked closely with the Pew Research Center in its detailed studies

Election 2010: A Wild Ride from Start to Finish

One of Florida’s leading political analysts, Susan MacManus, shared her insights into the upcoming midterm elections, particularly the unusual nature of Florida's Senate and Gubernatorial races. MacManus regularly appears in the national press, including CNN, National Public Radio and The New York Times, and is known as one of the essential expert sources for journalists

Graham Center students with Oil Spill Commission Co-chair Bob Graham

The Co-Chair of the National Commission on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, Bob Graham, met with four Graham Center students following the Commission hearings in Washington, D.C. on November 8, 2010. The students were debriefed on the Commission's findings and were given an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the implications of the

Robert D. Putnam on American Grace: How Religion Unites and Divides Us

Robert D. Putnam, one of the nation’s leading experts on community and civic engagement, discussed his new book on the changing composition of religious faith in the United States at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service on November 30th. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard University, presented findings from the recently released American

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Islam and Freedom

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, one of the most forceful and provocative feminist critics challenging Islam today, discussed her views on the state of Muslim women in the United States and around the world during a visit to the Bob Graham Center for Public Service on Jan. 20. A resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute in

Deep Water: A Special Report by National Oil Spill Commission Co-Chair Bob Graham

The co-chair of the presidential commission investigating the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico presented the commission's exclusive findings Jan. 27 at the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. Bob Graham, a former U.S. senator and Florida governor, headed the six-month investigation with William Reilly, a former administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under President George