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The Bob Graham Center for Public Service provides a wide variety of programs for students and the larger public on topics related to public service, public leadership and civic engagement.

Economics of Sustainability Forum

The Public Utility Research Center (PURC) at the University of Florida is an internationally recognized academic center dedicated to research and providing training in utility regulation and strategy. On January 15 PURC and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service hosted a sustainability forum focusing specifically on the economics of sustainble energy. Three University of

MLK Celebration Keynote Address: Tessa Thompson

UF MLK Celebration is a campus-wide celebration honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his commitment to social justice through educational programs and service initiatives that are designed to empower individuals to leverage their strengths, passions, and talents to better the lives of others. This year's Keynote Address was given by Tessa Thompson, the lead

Florida and the Mariel Boatlift of 1980 with Kathleen Dupes Hawk

The 1980 Mariel Boatlift episode was a profound event in American history as the state of Florida was forced to respond to the sudden arrival of more than thirty thousand Cuban refugees in Key West. On Tuesday, Jan. 27, Kathleen Dupes Hawk and Adolfo Leyva de Varona, authors of Florida and the Mariel Boatlift of 1980:

The Price of Poverty: Impacts on Women and Children with Dr. Nancy Hardt

Dr. Nancy Hardt has dedicated decades to teaching hundreds of patients, medical students, political leaders and the community about the causes of health care disparities for children and families. She was instrumental in the development of the Family Data Center, which brings multidisciplinary data sources into one secure dashboard. On Tuesday, Feb. 3 Hardt gave

Should PETA use sex and stars to sell a cause? with Dan Mathews

Should PETA use sex and stars to sell a cause? Does PETA go too far in its campaigns? PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews gave a riviting talk at the Bob Graham Center on Monday, Feb. 9 in the Pugh Hall Ocora on the organization’s provocative tactics. Mathews is the irreverent force behind PETA’s colorful

Foreman Lecture on Race and Politics with Dr. Paula McClain

This year's Forman Lecture on Race and Politics featured Dr. Paula McClain who gave a riviting discussion on the findings of her latest research, Black Americans and Latino Immigrants in a Southern City: Friendly Neighbors or Economic Competitors? The talk was on Thursday, Feb. 19 at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora. Paula D. McClain is

Moving Florida’s Children Forward with David Lawrence and Vance Aloupis

David Lawrence and Vance Aloupis discussed the history and progress of the Children's Movement of Florida at 6 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 23 in the Pugh Hall Ocora. The Children’s Movement is a non-partisan grassroots organization working towards the increased investment in Florida’s children during the first five years of life. The 2014 Citizen of the Year and Young

Seven Years a Hostage with Terry Anderson

In March 1985, Associated Press reporter Terry Anderson was abducted off the streets in Beirut and held at the mercy of his Hezbollah Shiite captors. He lived for nearly seven years in chains wondering fearfully if each day would be his last. But his spirit soared beyond captivity, and he never gave up, nor did

Martha Barnett and Bob Graham – A Conversation on Citizenship

Former Florida Gov. and U.S. Sen. Bob Graham and legal pioneer and Knight Fellow Martha Barnett discussed the importance of civic engagement on Wednesday, March 18 in the Pugh Hall Ocora. Barnett, former American Bar Association president and retired senior partner at Holland and Knight, is the Bob Graham Center Knight Fellow in-Residence for spring