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The Bob Graham Center for Public Service provides a wide variety of programs for students and the larger public on topics related to public service, public leadership and civic engagement.

Why Gridlock Rules Washington and How We Can Solve the Crisis

In today’s hyper-partisan world of politics, entrenched gridlock in Washington, and endless tense exchanges on cable news networks, should Americans believe that we can in fact find common ground on the most pressing issues we face as a nation?  And is there still time for today’s elected leaders – Republicans & Democrats - to inspire

The European Union in a Changing Landscape

Mario Monti is a distinguished economist who was drafted in as Italy's prime minister amid high political drama and financial uncertainty in late 2011. Having put a lid on the Italian debt crisis through tough negotiations and rapid reforms, Monti announced his resignation in December 2012. The UF International Center, Center for African Studies, Center

Desmond Meade: Let my People Vote

Desmond Meade, President of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, spoke at the Bob Graham Center on Nov. 2 at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora. During the talk, Meade detailed his unlikely path from felon to lawyer, the importance creating a more inclusive democracy in Florida and the process of leading a statewide campaign.

The Fair Housing Act: 50 Years Later

The Bob Graham Center for Public Service, the Robert F. Lanzillotti Public Policy Research Center and the Department of Economics hosted a panel discussion on U.S. housing policy on Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora with Edward Golding, who served as a senior adviser at the Department of Housing and Urban

Explore More: Aging in the Right Place

Explore More - a forum for scientists and scholars featured in UF's Explore research magazine - presented a conversation about new ways to look at the question of how to grow old successfully, with UF professor and gerontologist Stephen Golant, Ph.D., on Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora. UF Office

Rediscovering The Committed Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The UF African American Studies Program welcomed University of Kentucky Professor Gerald Smith to speak at the Bob Graham Center on Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora as part of series of campus events commemorating the life of Martin Luther King Jr. nearly 50 years after his tragic assassination. Smith is

2018 Provost’s Symposium

The fourth annual Provost's Symposium took place on February 1st and February 2nd, 2018, in Pugh Hall and Emerson Alumni Hall.  This year's symposium topic was "The Role of the University and UF Faculty in Addressing the Rise of Extremism on Campus and in the Nation", a timely discussion that came just one semester after

Tiana Epps-Johnson: Leveraging Digital Tools to Expand Voter Access

Tiana Epps-Johnson, founder and executive director of the Center for Technology and Civic Life, spoke at the Bob Graham Center on Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora about her work in modernizing voter communication and engagement by bringing together expertise in research, training, data analysis and software development. Tiana holds an MSc

Getting Russia Right in the Era of “Fake News”

David Filipov,  former Moscow Bureau Chief of The Washington Post and writer for The Boston Globe, spoke at the Bob Graham Center on Feb. 20 at 6 p.m. in the Pugh Hall Ocora about the U.S. news landscape and where Russia, Putin, and Russia-U.S. Relations currently reside within it. As former Bureau Chief for the Washington Post and Boston Globe and decades-long reporter living