The Bob Graham Center announces the following internship opportunities for University of Florida undergraduate students:
Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe: Mayoral Internship for Youth Services
For more information, download the Application at this link
Applications are due Monday, August 5 by 5 pm in Pugh 220 or e-mailed to Dr. Sheila Dickison at
This unpaid internship opportunity will have the applicant working directly with Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe in a dynamic and challenging environment. As the mayor’s intern, you will be working with many members of our city staff as well as a wide variety of outside organizations to improve youth opportunities and outcomes in Gainesville. The primary focus of the internship will be on improving after and out-of-school opportunities for our youth. It will also involve research in areas of reducing juvenile arrests, diversion and deflection programs and gang prevention.
Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe: Mayoral Internship for International Affairs
For more information, download the Application at this link
Applications are due Monday, August 5 by 5 pm in Pugh 220 or e-mailed to Dr. Sheila Dickison at
This unpaid internship opportunity will have the applicant working directly with Gainesville Mayor Lauren Poe in a dynamic and challenging environment. As the mayor’s intern, you will be working with other mayor’s offices both domestically and internationally in support of strengthening our relationships with other communities in the areas of cultural exchange, economic development, best practices and peace-building. You will be working with private organizations such as Sister Cities International, Welcoming America and Welcoming Gainesville, the Chamber of Commerce and others. Hours are flexible, but the intern is expected to work at least 10 hours per week for the length of the semester, with the possibility of an extension if the mayor is satisfied with the progress of the mission.
Congressman Ted Yoho: Fall 2019 District-Level Internship
For more information, contact Hannah Parrish at
Applications are due Friday, August 2.
This unpaid internship is with the Gainesville district office of U.S Representative Ted Yoho (R), 3rd District of Florida, and is a great opportunity for students with an interest in government and politics. Work responsibilities will focus on constituent services, issue analysis, office reception tasks, event planning and more. Applicants should have an interest in government and politics and strong communication skills. Intern responsibilities include event planning, writing letters, analyzing legislation and communicating with constituents. The ideal candidate will have excellent oral and writing skills, be eager to learn, be self-motivated, and able to adapt to new experiences and personalities. Dates of the internship are from Aug. 19, 2019 to Dec. 13, 2019. To apply, email your resume and letter of interest to Hannah Parris at
Alachua County Democratic Party
For more information, contact Dr. Cynthia Chestnut at
Applications are due Friday, August 9.
The Alachua County Democratic Party is offering unpaid internships for students interested in working with Democratic candidates and campaigns. Interns will gain valuable hands-on political experience, assist and develop marketing strategies to increase voter turnout, and work with campaigning to local Democrats through all platforms. Interns must complete a minimum of 10 hours per week, and possess excellent oral and writing skills. All majors are welcome to apply. Dates of the internship are from Aug. 19, 2019 to Dec. 13, 2019. To apply, email a resume and letter of interest to Dr. Cynthia Chestnut at
To learn about the wide range of civic internship and research opportunties provided to University of Florida students through the Bob Graham Center for Public Service, please visit out web page at