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Center Announces Course Offerings for Fall ’21

Faculty with the Bob Graham Center for Public Service will be offering these four courses for Fall 2021.

INS3004: Perspectives in International Studies
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This is the required entry course for the major in International Studies. It will introduce you to the contemporary international system, the major regions of the world, to the academic disciplines that make up the field of International Studies, and to several major issues in world politics today.

IDS4930: Culture and Politics of SE Asia
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This course offers an introduction to the diverse nation-states, people, and governments of contemporary Southeast Asia, with a particular emphasis on the intersections between culture and politics in the region. The countries of Southeast Asia (Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos, East Timor, and Brunei) emerged from the age of imperialism with newly minted borders, a variety of political systems, and tensions between different segments of the population over the definition and future of the nation. We will explore Southeast Asia’s economic growth and development  through the topics of postcolonial nation-building, ethnic conflict, nationalism and cultural pluralism, indigenous rights, gender roles, religious practices, education and language.

IDS4930: Migrants and Refugees in the Middle East
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The Middle East has been at the center of mass population movements in recent history as both origin and host of migrants and refugees, and a region of displacement due to conflicts and rural-urban migration. This inter-disciplinary course studies major population movements from, to, within and through the region since the early 20th century. It focuses on multi-dimensional analysis of the various movements’ historical contexts, root causes (economic, political, social, environmental), the institutional and legal frameworks that evolved around each movement, and the impact and long-term consequences on the migrant communities, the host and origin countries and the region overall.

IDS 2338: Democratic Engagement and Public Leadership
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Being a citizen implies a certain set of individual responsibilities that are essential to keep a democracy healthy and functioning. Fulfilling one’s role as a citizen requires engaged and informed participation. This course provides the tools and skills needed to be an effective citizen and offers opportunities for engagement and experiential learning. From the founding documents to the role of the press in politics, this course provides an understanding of how the past informs current political debate.