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Pegeen Hanrahan


Pegeen Hanrahan is a registered Professional Engineer and Principal of Community and Conservation Solutions, LLC. A native and lifelong resident, she served Gainesville, Florida as its Mayor from 2004-2010, and as a City Commissioner from 1996-2002, leaving office both times as a result of term limits.

For nearly ten years, one of her primary clients has been the Trust for Public Land's Conservation Finance Program. With TPL, Ms. Hanrahan has helped develop and pass ten successful bond or sales tax initiatives for land conservation. She served as Campaign Manager and Deputy Campaign Manager for a statewide citizen’s initiative, Amendment #1, Florida’s Water and Land Legacy (FWLL), to provide sustained funding for land and water conservation and ecosystem management, including Everglades Restoration. Amendment #1 passed with 75% approval in 2014.

Pegeen has served as President of the Florida League of Mayors, Chair of the Alachua County Library District, and currently serves on the boards of the Mayors’ Innovation Project, Local Governments for Sustainability, The Wagmore Foundation, The Children’s Movement of Florida, Innovation Gainesville, the Alliance for Renewable Energy, and Alachua Conservation Trust. Ms. Hanrahan was appointed by Governor Charlie Crist to serve on Florida’s 2010 Census Complete Count Committee. She has received numerous honors, including being named a "Woman Who Makes a Difference" by the Gateway Girl Scout Council, a “Woman of Distinction” by Santa Fe College, a “Voice for Equality” by Equality Florida, a “Women in Conservation” award winner by Florida Audubon, and “A Woman Who Inspires” by Asterisk Communications/KTK. In her 12 years of public service, Pegeen was named "The Female Democratic Elected Official of the Year" three times by the Alachua County Democratic Executive Committee.

She holds Master's (1992) and Bachelor's (1989) degrees from the University of Florida in Environmental Engineering, and a B.A. in Sociology (1989), also from UF, and was a National Merit Scholar, a Florida Academic Scholar and a Florida Graduate Scholar. She is a member of Leadership Florida and Florida Blue Key, UF’s Leadership Honorary.