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A Typical Day for A Tallahassee Intern

Tallahassee Interns are assigned a variety of tasks depending on the needs of their office. Here are a few examples of what you may be asked to do while in Tallahassee!

“I worked for Rep. Carlos Guillermos Smith and wrote press releases and media advisories, assisted in the management of Rep. Smith’s Facebook page, managed his schedules and meeting requests, conducted bill/issue research and assisted in drafting resolutions/memorials/bills.” — Daniel Delagrange

“I worked at Ballard Partners and had a wide range of responsibilities. I read and created bill summaries, wrote client memoranda, and participated and led one-on-one member meetings. They treated me with respect and gave me real responsibility that I relished.” — Hannah Gutner

“I worked for Sen. Keith Perry. My responsibilities include answering phones, responding to constituent emails, and taking meetings with constituents and interest groups. I was solely in charge of scheduling for the Senator. I was treated with respect and given great responsibilities at my office. I learned the legislative process from a firsthand perspective.” — Dylan Zamos

“I interned with Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto. I put together her committee binder for Appropriations and the Innovation, Industry and Technology Committee. I would also help coordinate with the Rules Committee to assemble her materials. I managed the senator’s web mail account as well as responded to constituent concerns.” I saw the degree that hard work is recognized, and the value of good character.” — Justin Eichermuller

“I worked for Rep. DuBose and did things like talking points, bill research and one-pagers. I think the program is a great way to make many connections and network to set up future internships or possible job opportunities.” — Sophia Gambina

“This internship gave me hands-on experience in the public information office at the Supreme Court of Florida. I had the chance to investigate case law and perform legal research on topics that interested me. I had the opportunity to meet all seven Justices, attend oral arguments, see an entire jury trial at the Leon County courthouse, record two podcasts, write two articles that were published in the Full Court Press, and get involved with the UF Government Relations office. It is likely the best internship I will ever have.” — Aimee Clesi

“I worked for Sen. Gayle Harrell. . . on talking points for bills, preparing her binders for committee meetings and floor sessions, the events calendar, answering phones, and speaking with walk-ins. Working in her office has been the best work experience I’ve had in an office. I learned how the process works, not about how people portray it to be.” — Jared Young

“I worked for Sen. Lauren Book. I did casework and scheduled at the front desk, worked on preparing binders, bill folders, drafting the human trafficking bill and its amendments, and helping the Senator run meetings. This office is a gem for anyone who will utilize it.” — Angel Gonzalez

“I worked for Sen. Anitere Flores and I acted as the gatekeeper of the office and assisted in policy and appropriations matters as well. I learned the importance good relationships and being brief. I learned how to deliver bad news to other people without feeling too badly about it.” — Hunter Clary

“I worked with Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez. I learned the deadlines for drafting bills, the importance and process of engaging citizens, the significance of the assignment of committee meetings, and the different factors that could kill or move a bill. I learned the entire process, from how the political process is designed to work in Florida to how it actually ends up working.” –Joicy Proano